Discipleship Training Studies and Materials

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Discipleship Strategy

What Our Savior’s in McCall and Shepherd of the Mountains in Cascade DO in being faithful to the call of Jesus


Every Follower a Sacrament

You are a gift to the world in sharing the presence of Jesus who lives in and through you.

Discipleship Strategy

An abbreviated version of the longer strategy document.


How a Disciple Lives

How a Jesus follower lives for Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Being a Disciple - A simple way

How “easy” can it be to follow Jesus?


Who a Disciple is - Our Identity in Jesus

Jesus has changed our identity through His Spirit.

Living on a Mission

Suggestions on how to live on a mission for Jesus - practical ideas!


Disciple Bible Passages

A listing of all the passages in scripture that discuss discipleship.

Prayer-living Study

A disciple’s journey is one dedicated to LIVING a prayer-filled life.

Discipling like Jesus

Written by our friend, Greg Finke, his “takes” on what it means to be a disciple and disciple-maker.

Discipleship Bible Study

Another extensive study on what it means to be a disciple.

The “Playing Field” has changed

The “reality” of the world is summarized…some of the key worldview issues are explored in this interesting study.

How we Define “Church”

Defining our lives in community as being ON MISSION!

Being Sacramental

What does SACRAMENTAL mean and what difference does that make in our lives as Jesus followers?